Aid to internationalise your company

Do you want to start exporting products or services abroad? Do you trade abroad, but want to expand your market? Are you familiar with the Extenda's International Digital Marketing Plan?

This is a aid granted by the Junta de Andalucía and co-financed with funds ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) in order to advising and helping local companies to internationalise through the internet.

The Internet is the largest international market for products and services. In 2019, 48,000 million euros were invoiced in Spain thanks to e-commerce. This figure grew by 25% per year according to the National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC)

Who is eligible?

This plan will aimed at Andalusian companies that are starting the export process and want to penetrate online in a country or companies that already export. and want to strengthen their online position in selected markets.

It should be added that, in order to qualify for this aid, a series of requirements must be met:

  • Minimum annual turnover of 50,000 euros. Or accredit that the company has participated or is participating in a "Business Incubation", "Business Acceleration", "Business Mentoring", "Alternative Financing" programme or that the company has been a beneficiary of a European aid and stimulus programme for SMEs, such as "Fast Track to innovation", "Eureka", "SME Instrument" or similar.
  • Having an internationalisation plan.
  • Be up to date with Extenda regarding the payment of participation fees in shares or other concepts. Due to the economic crisis, a super reduced flat rate of 100€ plus 21% VAT has been established.

What are the benefits of this aid?

Mainly, the company will get a personalised consultancy service in the following areas:

  • Analysis of the current state of online marketingand the resources available.
  • Establishing objectives and strategies.
  • Proposed actions marketing campaigns for twelve months.
  • Timing and budgetingof the actions to be developed.
  • Recommendations for improvement.
  • Possibility of the implementation of advertising campaigns on social media, Google ADS or with influencers, for up to €1500targeting the destination markets defined in the plan.

In addition, ActionMK is one of the companies participating in the implementation of Extenda's International Digital Marketing Plan. It has had numerous successes, such as that of our client LoRUSSo Gourmet Jams who presented his case on 12 January last "La Brújula de Andalucía" a programme on the radio channel Onda Cero. In the following link, from the 28th minute onwards, you will find more information about the aid discussed and the case of our client.

Another success story is that of our client alp_ which participated in the programme in previous calls. The redesign of its website has been carried out in order to promote digital development in the UK.

So, if you are interested in applying for this aid, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help you get it and guide you through the process.



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