Editorial design

At AcciónMK we fuse creativity with strategy to transform your ideas into visual pieces that will leave an impression on your audience. Whether it's to strengthen your brand, share information or highlight your product, we are here to turn your ideas into reality and turn them into exceptional projects. Our team of editorial design professionals in Malaga is in charge of creating attractive materials with which to communicate your message effectively.

We are the editorial design agency in Malaga you need

Editorial design is the branch of graphic design focused on the layout, composition and visual presentation of printed (magazines, books, newspapers, catalogues...) or digital content. Its main objective is to organise the content in a creative way through the harmonious combination of visual elements such as typography, images and colours, thus creating an attractive and functional design that facilitates reading, improves the understanding of the message and, ultimately, allows to connect with the target audience.

  • Layout of printed or digital materials: We structure and visually organise your printed or digital content to create a visual and attractive editorial design that highlights the essence of your message, maintaining a balance between aesthetics and usability.
  • Design of front and back covers: We create the entire exterior of your magazines, books or publications, creating striking and attractive designs that will capture the attention of your target audience from the very first moment.
  • Creation and selection of typefaces: We select typefaces that enhance legibility and reinforce the visual identity of your content. We take care of every typographic detail to ensure a smooth and pleasant reading, maintaining coherence with the image of your brand.
  • Image editing: We optimise and retouch images that you can use in any design. Our team ensures the visual quality of the images used in your editorial design.
  • Development of visual styles and colour schemes: We create unique visual styles that enhance the identity of your brand or publication. We carefully select the colour schemes to be used in your designs, maintaining consistency and conveying the desired personality.
  • Creation of complementary graphic elements: Within our editorial design service in Malaga, we create graphic elements such as infographics, illustrations or graphics that enrich and complement your content.
  • Adaptation to different formats and digital platforms: We ensure that your editorial design can be adapted to multiple digital platforms, guaranteeing a consistent and engaging experience across different devices and formats.
  • Preparation of final files: We take care of preparing your files for printing or publishing your editorial design, ensuring that they meet the required specifications for high quality results.

Types of Market Research

With our market research in Malaga, Andalusia and Madrid, we provide you with all the information you need to make the best decisions and develop effective marketing strategies. We show you the profile of your current and potential customers, what they expect to get from your product and where is the best place to advertise it. 

  • Quantitative market research: We carry out statistical analyses and design hypotheses to obtain accurate data on the behaviour of your target audience in the market. With them you will be able to obtain relevant information to carry out specific actions, such as designing new products or segmenting your payment campaigns.

  • Qualitative market research: We analyse your customers' needs, habits, motivations and expectations so that you can understand why they react in a certain way to a product or service. It will allow you to discover how your customers perceive your brand and help you build long-term relationships with them.

  • Ad hoc market studies: Do you need information quickly about a specific aspect of your target audience? We create "ad hoc" market research for a specific project according to your needs. It will allow you to get information in a short period of time and make more effective decisions.


Market research is research to collect, analyse and understand relevant information about a specific market, including its consumers, competitors and trends.

Market research is carried out to better understand the environment in which a company operates, allowing a better understanding of the conditions, trends and characteristics of a specific market. It is essential to conduct them in order to:

  • Know your audience: helps to identify who your potential customers are, their needs, preferences, buying behaviour and relevant market segments.
  • Assessing competence: allows us to understand how other actors position themselves in the market, what strategies they employ, what their strengths and weaknesses are...
  • Informed decision-making: provides key information to decide on strategic issues, such as product development, pricing, marketing strategies, geographic expansion, among others.
  • Reduce risks: By better understanding the market, potential risks can be anticipated and mitigated, avoiding unnecessary investments or ineffective strategies.
  • Identify opportunities: allows you to detect business opportunities that might be going unnoticed, untapped areas or relevant market niches.

Market research is carried out to better understand the environment in which a company operates, allowing a better understanding of the conditions, trends and characteristics of a specific market. It is essential to conduct them in order to:

  • Know your audiencehelps to identify who your potential customers are, their needs, preferences, buying behaviour and relevant market segments.
  • Assessing competenceThe following is an example: it allows us to understand how other actors position themselves in the market, what strategies they employ, what their strengths and weaknesses are...
  • Informed decision-makingThe "strategic information": provides key information to decide on strategic issues, such as product development, pricing, marketing strategies, geographic expansion, among others.
  • Reducing risksby better understanding the market, potential risks can be anticipated and mitigated, avoiding unnecessary investments or ineffective strategies.
  • Identifying opportunitiesThe "Business Opportunity Mapping": allows you to detect business opportunities that might be going unnoticed, untapped areas or relevant market niches.

The market studies are a specific part of market research.

The market research encompasses a broader approach that includes the analysis of data, trends, behaviours and market variables in general, while a market study focuses on a particular aspect or a specific market issue.

Market research can provide detailed information on market demographics, purchasing behaviour, consumer preferences, competitor analysis, market trends, among other data relevant to business decisions.

Market research in Malaga can be of great help to your company by providing valuable information that will allow you to improve products or services, identify growth opportunities, better understand customers, optimise marketing strategies and make more informed and accurate business decisions.

Request a quote

Don't be left wanting to grow. Tell us about your project, ideas or doubts, and we will study your case carefully to be able to give you an action plan and a personalised budget according to your needs, with no obligation! What are you waiting for?

Services that
we also offer

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By registering a trademark, a company is granted the exclusive right to prevent third parties from marketing identical or similar products.

The registration of trademarks and patents is done through the website of the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office.