Free online courses for December

Here are up to 5 free online courses on marketing, ideal for those who want to expand their marketing knowledge.

Personal Productivity Online Course

Learn about the tools and processes that will help you to be more productive when looking for a job or developing a project. You will learn aspects related to time management, personal branding, online reputation, idea generation, etc.

Estimated duration: 40 hours.
Free course.

Access from here 

Online Course on PPP Development

Learn the basic skills and concepts to create applications for mobile devices. This course introduces you to the essential principles that should inspire the creation of these applications, so you can approach their design and programming right from the start.

Estimated duration: 40 hours.
Free course.

Access from here
Cloud Computing online course

Do you know what benefits the use of Cloud Computing technology brings to a project? Discover in this free course how to transform a business and innovate within your company while reducing costs. In addition, learn how to access your information on any device and securely.

Estimated duration: 40 hours.
Free course.

Access from here

In-depth course on how to make a Digital Marketing Plan

Before launching an online initiative, you need to think about how you are going to make it a success. In this course you will learn the necessary steps to make an online marketing plan for your project or business, and what aspects you need to take into account to be successful on the Internet.

Access from here

Big Data for Business Applications Course

This course will provide knowledge of Big Data so that any ICT professional, entrepreneur or professional of any area, knows the meaning of Big Data and its applications to improve the performance of their business.

Access from here



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