Andalucía Trade grants for small and micro enterprises

The aid provided by Andalucía Trade represents a exceptional opportunity for small and micro-enterprises who wish to expand their operations, invest in new projects or consolidate their market position.

In this article, we will explore the requirements, beneficiaries, eligible items, amount of aid and application deadlineWe will make sure to provide you with all the information you need to make the most of this opportunity.

How to get Andalucía Trade support for small businesses?

At AccionMK we are specialists in marketing consultancy. We have a a multidisciplinary team of professionals unique in the sectorready to offer you tailor-made financing solutions for all types of projects. From innovation strategies to subsidised marketing campaignsWe are here to help you get the resources you need to grow your business.

How can we help you?

We offer a wide range of marketing consultancy services designed to help companies make effective decisions and achieve their goals. Let me provide you with more details on how we can work with you:

Our consultancy services include:

Market Research

We do extensive market researchincluding fieldwork and business intelligence, to provide you with accurate and relevant information to enable you to make decisions. informed and strategic.

Strategic Consulting

Our strategic consulting team consists of highly qualified professionals who will help you develop a comprehensive and personalised plan that fits your business objectives.. From defining your target audience to implementing effective tactics, we're here for you. guide you through every step of the process.

Creative Design

As for the designwe offer servicesCreative and original designs that will help you stand out in an increasingly competitive market.. We strive to create a lasting impression on your potential customers through attractive and high quality designs.

Experience and Personalisation

With almost 20 years of experience in the marketing sectorAt AccionMK we stand out for our dedication to quality and personalisation of each project. We always adapt to the specific needs of our clients and we work tirelessly to exceed your expectations in every project we undertake together.

Google Ads Experts

In addition, we are Google Ads experts and we offer you direct access to a team of Google Certified Professionals. If you're looking to optimise your Google Ads campaigns, we're here to provide you with the right tools and resources needed to improve your performance and achieve exceptional results.

Contact with us

If you wish to apply for a non-binding quotation o learn more about our servicesdo not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you move towards your marketing goals and take your business to the next level and look forward to working with you soon.

Interested in more information?

Interested in more information? Contact us today at Key 3 to start work on your project! Specialised in maximising funding opportunities through subsidiesWe are committed to the success of your business and provide you with the necessary support at every stage of the process. Don't miss the opportunity to get the financing you need to carry out your business projects.

What do they offer?

  • Personalised advice to identify funding opportunities.
  • Elaboration of adapted proposals and projects to the requirements of the calls for funding.
  • Comprehensive management of the application processWe can help you with everything from the preparation of documentation to the follow-up of administrative formalities.
  • Optimising resources and maximising chances of success in fundraising.


Small businesses, including small businesses microenterprisesare the main recipients of this aid. However, it is important to note that not all entities are eligible for this financial support.. Associations, foundations, civil societies or communities of property do not qualify as beneficiaries.

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible for aid from Andalusia Tradecompanies must comply with a strict requirements that ensure the eligibility of beneficiaries. These requirements include:

  • Register: Companies must be small, unlisted companies, registered for a maximum of 5 years at the date of application.
  • Benefits unallocated: Since their creation, companies must not have distributed profits.
  • Eligible CNAESmall enterprises, including micro-enterprises, are eligible for aid offered by Andalucía Trade, provided they meet certain requirements. These include the need to have an eligible CNAE, which covers a wide range of economic activities, with the exception of only a few specific categories, detailed below: 07 (except 07.21), 07, 08, 09, 10.52, 10.7, 10.82, 11.05, 11.06, 13, 14, 15, 16 (except 16.29), 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24.4, 24.53, 24.54, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35.30, 38*, 39*, 52.10, 52.24, 58.21, 58.29, 62, 63.1, 71.2, 72*, 74.1.
  • Sufficient economic and financial capacityThey must demonstrate sufficient economic and financial capacity, maintaining these requirements until the aid is paid.
  • Legal backgroundNot having been convicted for not obtaining aid and not having filed for voluntary insolvency proceedings.
  • Compliance with tax and labour obligationsTo be up to date with obligations to the Social Security, AEAT and regional tax authorities.
  • Not being in a crisis situationNot being considered as a firm in difficulty.
  • No tax debtsNo debts in tax period of any public law income.
  • Separate accounting systemThey must have a separate accounting system.
  • Communication of changesAny change in the company must be communicated, whether it is a change of location or in the execution of the project.

It is essential to meet all these requirements to ensure eligibility and access to grants.

Eligible concepts

Eligible projects must meet certain criteria for consideration viable and receive the desired financial backing. Some of the eligible concepts include:

  • Urban landThe acquisition of urban land is allowed, with a limit of 10% of the total investment of the project.
  • Ships and buildingsThe following are eligible for subsidies: Ships and buildings, provided that they have been in use for 5 years.
  • Capital goodsIncludes process equipment, new or used, as well as auxiliary equipment and installations.
  • IT equipment and ICT infrastructureIT equipment and technological infrastructure can also be subsidised.
  • Software acquisition and processingSoftware: The acquisition and processing of software is allowed, excluding operating systems or office automation.
  • Planning and optional management: The planning, engineering and project management of the project is also considered eligible for support.

It is important to note that the following are accepted invoiced expenditure not older than six months from the date of application until the date of completion of the project.

Amount of aid:

The aid intensity is set at 55%, which represents significant support for the development of business projects in Andalusia.. In addition, there is the possibility to increase this percentage by an additional 20 points depending on certain additional characteristics.

Application Deadline

It is a process of non-competitive concurrenceThis means that eligible companies will have the opportunity to access funding without having to compete with other applicants.

In conclusion, the aid from Andalucía Trade represents a exceptional opportunity for small and micro-enterprises looking to expand, invest in new projects or consolidate its presence in the market.. With a wide range of eligible concepts and a significant percentage of funding, these grants can make a difference to the growth and development of your business.

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