Digital Marketing and Internationalisation of Companies Conference

On 25 April last, a conference on Digital Marketing and internationalisation of companies was held, sponsored by the Regional Ministry of Economy and Knowledge, through the Extenda Chair in Internationalisation of the University of Malaga.

This conference took place last Wednesday afternoon in the Faculty of Commerce and Management's degree hall and its aim was to analyse different successful case studies of relevant companies in our environment, in terms of how e-commerce has been defined as a practical tool of great effectiveness to benefit the internationalisation of companies.

Information about the Digital Marketing Conference

The programme of the conference was organised as follows:


17:00h Start of the conference.

Ms. Julia Martín Armario and Ms. María Ángeles Rastrollo. EXTENDA Chair Directors. University of Malaga.


17:15h The importance of international digital marketing planning.

Ms. Daniela Sánchez. Digital Marketing Consultant. ActionMK.


By way of summary, and because it was the part that competed with us, we are going to address the reasons for the importance of having a Digital Marketing Plan:


  1. In order to determine the current situation of our brand in the digital world, as well as that of our competitors: How are they positioned? What presence does our brand have? What have we achieved so far and what still needs to be achieved?
  2. Because it allows us to define our objectives in the digital world. This point is important due to the existence of certain misconceptions that are handled in a normal way. It won't do any good to get a lot of followers and not pay attention to complaints via social networks, for example. This would seriously jeopardise the credibility of the brand.
  3. Because it helps to get important information about who our potential leads are, where to get them and how to convert them into customers. This way we avoid blind steps or focusing on the crowds.
  4. Through the analysis in the Marketing Plan, we will be able to recognise which digital strategies are most practical for our brand. We will know, for example, if a Facebook contest can be more effective for us than an online/offline strategy. In this way, we can ensure that our resources are invested where we are going to make a profit, a safe investment.
  5. A Digital Marketing Plan is a roadmap for the company, i.e. an action plan made up of activities and planning for the achievement of objectives.
  6. Perhaps the most valuable part of a Digital Marketing Plan is the definition and use of tools and methodology for measuring results. The feedback of our digital strategies will allow us to adjust or improve them and thus achieve our goals.
  7. Finally a Digital Marketing Plan will empower us in the management of our own resources, most of the digital strategies/tactics. In this way we will be able to control our actions and ensure results.

18:30h Coffee break


19:00h's international digital marketing strategy.

Iván Ferrer. General Manager. Gisela.


19:20h Internationalisation through digital marketing. The case of

Niklas Satola. Chief Marketing Officer (CMO). LumonOy.


19:40h How to go digital? Getting to know

Ms. Laura Melgar. Marketing Director and Ms. Marina Lara. Director of Growth Marketing. Freepik.


20:00h Closing of the conference.

  1. Francisco Cantalejo García. Dean of the Faculty of Commerce and Management. University of Malaga.

From ActionMK we would like to thank the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Commerce and Management, as well as the directors of the EXTENDA Chair in Internationalisation, Julia Martin Armario and Mari Ángeles Rastrollofor counting on us for this conference and for making it possible.

We would also like to thank all the speakers: Niklas Satola from Lumon Spain, Marina Lara Sarasola and Laura Melgar from Freepik Company, Iván Ferrer from Gisela Intimatesfor their participation and good work.




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