E-commerce and online shops, essential elements in the wake of the State of Alarm

Nobody doubted the benefits of e-commerce, but since the declaration of the State of Alarm it has become an obligation for any business. Having sales lines open 24 hours a day and globally is a comparative advantage that only a few companies have been able to take advantage of. for its previous commitment to online marketing.

The compulsory closure of shops does not affect online, mail order or telephone marketing. In addition, the Royal Decree guaranteed the mobility of transport for these purposes "by resolution of the Minister of Transport, the necessary conditions will be established to facilitate the transport of goods throughout the national territory in order to guarantee supply".

But not all of them are having the same results and are in the same situation; supermarkets, restaurants, textiles and footwear, or the SMEs themselves are having a very different fate.

The most commented case has been that of supermarkets that have seen their sales strongly increased by telematic means. even if they are still open. However, many supermarket chains today still had non-optimised e-commerce systems, which led to collapses and sales closures.

For its part, the restaurantsThe companies were also forced to close down, have been able to continue selling food at home. As a result, those with online menus and on-demand ordering systems have been able to continue to invoice in these difficult circumstances.

Inditex itself has continued to sell its textile and footwear products, eliminating the option of in-store collection, with an e-commerce site with the possibility of accessing its entire catalogue in different models, sizes and colours.

The realisation of an online shop to overcome the crisis

But it is not too late, an online shop can be up and running in days, or in a few weeks, depending on the level of organisation of the company. If you already have a catalogue with appropriate descriptions and photographs, this will help to bring the timeframe for the realisation of an e-commerce manager forward.

The first step is undoubtedly the advice of a professional company to guide you on the difficult path of e-commerce and the internationalisation of your products. A strategic planning with different milestones and phases is necessary, and you need to be accompanied with advice from the very definition to the feasibility of sales.

It is highly recommended to do the work in phases. Of course, it is not ideal to receive orders or quotations by email, but it can be the first step in the process of digitalisation and e-commerce.

Similarly, it is not necessary in all cases and at all times, although it is optimal, to have all payment systems, from payment by POS to payment by transfer, as well as other forms such as Paypal and other payment methods through financial intermediaries.

The investment in setting up e-commerce in the company can therefore be spread over several phases, with the consequent financial advantage for the economic department, which can execute the accounting expenditure over several quarters.

Can your company afford to be without sales in the coming months? If you have not yet given online commerce a chance, or if you have one that is giving you optimal results, contact us and we will carry out a study of your needs without obligation.



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