Malaga aspires to be a leader in tourism innovation.

On 23 March 2021, the councillor for tourism, Rosa Sánchez, and the mayor of the city, Francisco de la Torre, met to present the new tourism plan for 2021. Strategic Plan 2021 - 2024 which they hope will help make Malaga the world's leading city in the leading city for tourism innovation.

The mayor explained that the plan is focused on a new, updated management model, digitisation, sustainability and accessibility. He highlighted the importance of the new investments and technological projects that are going to be installed in Malaga and that could have a positive impact on tourism.

De la Torre said, "The plan has very good foundations and inputs. The aim to consolidate the city as a smart, sustainable and inclusive destination and, in this way, further increase the city's competitiveness and leading position among national and international tourist destinations".

On the other hand, it was reported that progress will be made in new tourism products that will allow access to to the city to higher spending travellers and new emerging markets.. Trying to recover air connectivity and reaching new routes with Asia, the United States and Canada and expanding tourist attraction areas by creating new areas of value for visitors and residents.

"Another challenge is to give more visibility to the branding Malaga as a destination to visit, live, work or invest in in it, strengthening its seal of quality, as well as increasing innovation with value propositions for visitors," said De la Torre.

To achieve this objective, a communication plan will be defined and deployed, fostering participation in the tourism strategy and improving citizens' perception of tourism.

Continuing on this theme, the councillor for tourism stressed that plans are being made to giving a voice and a greater presence to citizens' groups and stressed of the plan that "it has been carried out a participatory and inclusive process. To this end, the needs of the sector's agents, the bases of intelligent tourist destinations and trends in tourism have been studied. Malaga must become a leader in tourism innovationWe have a base as a Smart City and we have to make that leap".

This new model is also expected to map new sources and needs for tourism information, deploying a system for tracking visitors and segmented agents, and improve the information provided by the Tourism Observatory through new indicators and tables on the 'Malaga in Figures' website.

Finally, I would like to thank the tourism area, since, in order to ActionMK has been a proud to work with them in the study of the particularities of the tourism sector in MalagaThe project was a great success, achieving an in-depth analysis of the city's offer and the characteristics of the sector in the locality.

A comprehensive, methodical and up-to-date empirical study to: provide the tourism sector in Malaga with tools for anticipating and reacting to changes in the environment, to offer a greater chance of success and to identify opportunities for tourism segmentation.

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