Grenada 2020 Strategic Plan

The document Grenada 2020 Strategy: Making the urban humanwas presented on 9 July 2017 by the Social Council of Granada, and was unanimously approved. The new strategic plan has started from the plan that was approved in 2007, which had to be adapted to the new Strategic Framework defined by the European Union for the period 2014-2020 and also to the requirements necessary to be able to apply for EU funds.
The document of the Strategic Plancalled EG2020, is based on 6 Axes (Governance, Sustainable City, Granada City of Culture, Competitiveness and Economic Development, Social Innovation and Granada Smart City).
The strategic objectives that flow from these axes are 12; in addition to 27 thematic objectives and 83 actions.
The work was carried out in 8 months, during which time the 2007 Plan was evaluated. The document's objectives have been optimised and new goals have been set based on the response to the participation it received.
According to Francisco Martín, President of the Social Council of Granada, the work consists of an exhaustive demographic analysis, a socio-economic diagnosis, an evaluation of the 2007 Strategic PlanA comparison of different plans and European programmes, an assessment of the competency framework, a detailed description of how the participation process went, a scoreboard and the new strategic framework.
For each of the 83 actions that have been formalised, a fact sheet has been drawn up. In them, the dimensions, objectives, responsible agents, costs, synergy with other actions and others have been detailed.
In this project, important issues demanded by the EU have been incorporated: issues related to governance, such as transparency, citizen participation and communication. In addition to this, the process of developing a technological city (Smart City), which promotes new public services and information channels.
Three axes have been incorporated: the first one is related to the Sustainable City, which includes environmental actions, regeneration of the city and public space. The second is a specific axis to promote measures aimed at Competitiveness and Economic Development. The last axis, Social Innovation.
In addition to these 3, a cultural axis was chosen, due to the unique factor of Granada.
313 people gave their opinion on the degree of implementation of the different courses of action. The CC.OO and UGT, the Confederación Granadina e Empresarios, the Federación de la Asociación de Vecinos, the Universidad de Granada and the political forces also participated.
The importance of establishing a marketing plan is vital in order to be able to develop the proposed objectives, aimed at achieving them within a pre-established timeframe.



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