Business Trajectory 2016

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Business Lifetime Achievement Award 2016

This week has been very special for us, we have had the honour of being awarded with the recognition for the Business Trajectory 2016 which grants the Young Entrepreneurs Association (AJE) of Malaga.

The Gala, which took place on Tuesday, 17 May at the Cánovas Theatre  and was inspired by the film Back to the Future under the slogan "A trip to the company of the Future" was dynamic, entertaining and with moments of great tension and fun.

This year's Awards were marked by the quality and variety of the initiatives, which covered a range of sectors and from ActionMK we would like to acknowledge the great merit of all the candidates who competed with us in the same category: Mahatma Architects, HelloMobiDissan Group.

In total, 17 companies applied to become AJE Malaga Award 2016in the modality Entrepreneurship there were 13 companies.

For each of the two categories proposed there were two finalists. In the Category Entrepreneurship were the study of industrial engineering and product development 3D Malaga and the technology solutions company Easy Stay Technologiesas first and second runner-up. Receiving the company Exotic Fruit Box the company with the distinction Best Entrepreneurship.

In the category of Business Career, HelloMobi y Dissan Group were highlighted as first and second runner-up. At ActionMK we were recognised as the company with the best Business CareerThe award recognises our 14 years of effort and dedication for and with our customers.

We would like to thank the jury, made up of representatives of the different Public Administrations and Private Institutions of the city as well as of the Junta de Andalucíathe Malaga City Councilthe Confederation of Employers of Malagathe University of MalagaThe event was attended by various media, internationally renowned Malaga companies, the AJE Malaga itself and the winners of the last edition.

For ActionMK is a much-desired prize that we have enjoyed with surprise and satisfaction, but above all with joy, as it renews our passion for the marketing and our energies so that, as we said on stage, "LET'S KEEP GROWING TOGETHER".






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