The economic impact of tourism in the city of Malaga

The economic impact of tourism in the city of Malaga has been considerable in the last year, as can be seen from the data collected in the Market research Malaga Tourism Observatory presented last February at the Malaga City Council.

The more than 3.95 million visitors arrivals in the capital of Malaga in the last year have exceeded the number of 1.6 billion according to this report. Of which 1.80 million are tourists y 2.15 hikers.

The direct economic impact of these visitors is estimated at around 1,094.75 millionto which should be added 514.53 million indirect impact.

Another fact to bear in mind is that the figure of travellers staying in hotels increased by 6.9 per cent, to reach 1.165.252.
Spain is the main source market for travellers to the city of Malaga.Almost half of the tourists (516,590) are Spaniards (0.221 Tbp3T more). However, we have seen that the group with the highest growth is the British, with a total of 102,046 travellers in the past year. They are followed by Italians, Germans and French. The number of overnight stays also increased, driven by the growth in international tourism.

The objective of this market study is to to know the visitor's profile and visit patternsTo this end, the composition of tourists, their initial motivations, how they organise their trip, what type of activities they carry out during their stay, how they divide their spending and other variables have been studied. With this information collected, it is possible to facilitate decision-making in the tourism sector, support the marketing strategy of the different agents in the sector and identify opportunities.

The Malaga City Council Tourism Department has once again placed its trust in ActionMKas a strategic consultant specialising in market studies in the tourism sector to carry out this work.
The market studies help to detect niches and their needs, which increases the chances of success in business initiatives. If you are interested in carrying out a market study for your business or company, do not hesitate to contact us and ask us for a no-obligation quote.



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