Internships at AcciónMK

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Internships in a company

At ActionMk we always welcome with open arms all students from all over the world. practices in company who want to share their first work experience with us and we try to make them feel like one of the team. Alnair has been doing its curricular internship for more than two months at ActionMK and this week he wants to tell us about his experience and vision of the world of work from his perspective as a student.

"My name is Alnair GuerreiroI am 22 years old and I am studying the fourth year of the Marketing and Market Research degree at the University of Malaga.

The truth is that life as a university student has been very quiet for me, but when it was time to start the internship everything changed. All of us students became impatient to find the best company to take on our first training in the sector.

So, the first thing I did was to look for information about the different companies that are dedicated to the strategic marketing in MalagaThis is where I met ActionMK. Different teachers and colleagues recommended me to do my internship with them and although I initially preferred to do it in a company like Coca-Cola or IKEA, this was not realistic, as there are too many students for too few internship places.

In the end, I heeded my recommendations and decided to go with ActionMKa company located in the Malaga city centre which specialises in various areas of marketing: market research, brand registration, subsidies, marketing strategies...

Thanks to the time I have spent in ActionMkI have expanded my knowledge quite a lot, as I have worked on different projects always supervised and supported by my colleagues. The companionship and the good atmosphere is what struck me the most on my first day, I have always been treated as a colleague and they have helped me in everything I needed.

Since I've been here I haven't stopped learning, every day is something new, from collaborating in the management of a company's PR, to looking for sponsors for an event, to creating BB.DD. or doing questionnaires on the street. Some tasks are more tedious than others, but everything is learning and I prefer to learn in a company that welcomes you with open arms and treats me like one of the team.

My time in ActionMk The internship ends in 3 weeks and in general my balance is very positive, I take with me a very good and satisfying experience. Not everything at work is about work, but it is very important to understand the people around you so that they give the best of themselves, this is something I have learnt thanks to my time at ActionMK. I hope that in my future job I will meet people as understanding and attentive and I will feel as supported as I have felt in this experience".

If you are a student and you don't know where to do your company internshipsfrom ActionMk we encourage you to do them with us.



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